…emotional reactions are a great indicator!) and to triangulate information. It also acknowledges the importance of nuance and complexity in the information we consume. The SIFT model was developed by…
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Jacqueline LaFrance
…hundred years of history at the elementary school buildings in Easthampton, commemorating their move to a new elementary school (see blog post with more information). Her presentation also included local…
Education Dept. Reverses Plan to Cut Rural School Funding
…based on the number of students who qualify for free or reduced-price meals rather than poverty data from the census, as is required by law. But Ms. DeVos determined that…
El Salvadoran immigrants will still be welcome in Amherst schools if Temporary Protected Status ends, officials say
…Salvadoran immigrants who might lose their federal Temporary Protected Status. President Donald J. Trump’s administration announced Monday it would end the protected status for people from El Salvador in September…
How one Massachusetts town turned around early reading program
MALDEN, MA — When Carlos entered Kristen Reidy’s first-grade class at the Salemwood School in Malden, Mass., nearly five years ago, his reading scores put him in the “at risk”…
New Greenfield Public Schools website is live, official launch in August
…design, CES website development projects have included the Hatfield Public Schools website (www.hatfieldps.net) and the Pioneer Valley Educational Readiness Center (www.earlyeducatorpathways.org). The Readiness Center site is part of an ongoing…
Welcome Baby
…Home E Search query for: blog blog 2015 04 08 on early ed lets not lose ground www gazettenet com home 16418982 95 william diehl desiree lalbeharie josias on early…
Baker orders schools to stay closed through end of school year
Governor Charlie Baker on Tuesday ordered the state’s schools to remain closed through the remainder of the school year. “It’s the right thing to do, considering the facts on the…
Area officials respond to governor’s order students won’t return to regular classrooms
…conference that schools are ordered to remain closed as the state continues to manage the spread of COVID-19. He said the measure does not apply to residential special education schools….
Excellence In Education Awards: Living Our Guiding Principles award winners for February and March
The Collaborative for Educational Services is pleased to announce the February and March winners of our regional Excellence in Education: Living our Guiding Principles Award! We honor those educators across…