…in Springfield, funded by the Massachusetts Department of Early Education and Care (EEC). Home E Search query for: blog blog 2015 02 11 ec programs reduce need for…
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High Court Argument to Center on Level of Benefits for Special Education
…individualized education program created for him by the Douglas County district did not offer him an educational benefit. The 66,000-student school district argued—and several courts agreed—that the district’s educational program…
Faye Brady Ed.D.
…15 years worked in central office as a Director of Student Services. Faye has worked closely with teachers, related service providers, and school administrators to develop high quality services and programs to…
…02 11 ec programs reduce need for special ed preschool program ( Page 4 ) We believe everyone can learn and succeed. CES specializes in programs and services that support…
CES Profile – After School Programs, Learning Inspired by Fun
…that a majority of students from low income homes, students with special needs, and other students considered at-risk are able to attend. All of the programs are grounded in evidence-based…
Bill S.261 would support literacy intervention programs in Massachusetts
…based on published research. Supporters said the bill is designed to reduce the number of students who are referred to special education programs because they struggle to learn to read…
Building an Innovative Community for Special Education Team Leaders
CES Curriculum and Instructional Specialist in Special Education Laurel Peltier has been part of the team leading the statewide Special Education Team Leader Institute (SETLI) in Massachusetts since 2016, funded…
Green Room 21st Century Community Learning Center after school program continues to thrive
…21st Century Learning Programs at CES, of the thirteen 21st Century Learning programs run by CES, 11 have been designated “Exemplary” and the last two are only in their first…
Early Childhood Focuses on Social-Emotional Wellbeing as the Foundation of Learning
The Collaborative for Educational Services (CES) early education programs first began in 1996, as preschool teachers and childcare providers recognized that many at-risk children were struggling with social-emotional issues. In…
US Department of Ed Selects HEC Academy as Green Ribbon award winner
…engagement initiative for school sustainability. The ED-GRS is a recognition of HEC Academy’s progress in three sustainability focused pillars: reduced environmental impact and costs, improved health and wellness, and effective…