…Superintendent Michael Sullivan. The district hopes to achieve those goals with a new focus on essay writing across all grade levels and subjects, new teaching strategies, group work and 150…
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Union 38 asks for state transportation funding
…1.5 miles from school,” said Union 38 Superintendent Lynn Carey in a letter mailed to state legislators. To encourage rural towns to form more efficient regional school districts in the…
Orange School Committee Okays Four Blizzard Bags
…have been three snow days for the Orange Elementary School District this year, though no Blizzard Bags had been approved. Superintendent Tari Thomas said Wednesday night the decision was made…
Commissioner Announces 2021 Massachusetts Teacher of the Year Malden middle school math teacher Jennifer Hedrington receives state’s top educator award
…in Malden. She works hard to develop lessons that promote higher order thinking skills and that encourage her students to explore mathematical concepts, and she also teaches her students’ whole…
William Diehl, Executive Director of the Collaborative for Educational Services, to Retire
…potential has been underrecognized. He holds a Doctorate in Education from Indiana University, and is licensed as a Massachusetts Superintendent. His work prior to CES encompasses positions as the Executive…
Buckland-Shelburne Elementary climbs from a ‘lowest-’ to a ‘highest-performing’ school
…Recently, Superintendent Michael Buoniconti received a letter from the state education department, saying the Mohawk district has been chosen as one of four case studies of school districts that received…
Mohawk Trail, Hawlemont plan blizzard bag study
…Jan. 16, at 6 p.m. in Mohawk. According to School Superintendent Michael Buoniconti, about a dozen teachers and school families are willing to participate in the study. As a district…
Gill-Montague school officials ready to determine uses for $110k regionalization grant
…Superintendent Michael Sullivan. The grant was announced last week and would allow Gill-Montague schools, Franklin County Technical School, and Pioneer Valley Regional School District to find ways to collaborate. Sullivan…
At state budget hearing at GCC, school officials share unique challenges faced by rural districts
…Sheryl Stanton, superintendent of the Mohawk Trail and Hawlemont regional school districts, want to ensure the state understands the challenges schools are facing, and that districts like hers are ready…
White Brook Middle School celebrates arrival of new recess equipment, breakfast kiosk with Pat Patriot
…healthy eating and physical activity,” said Superintendent Nancy Follansbee. “And this really supports both of those initiatives.” Until now, students at the school lacked equipment to use during recess. Early…