Home E Search query for: about ces ces board board meetings board meetings sy 2020 21 ( Page 9 ) Your Learning Partners Our Approach We see ourselves as your…
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The Collaborative for Educational Services launches statewide Special Education Team Leader Institute
…to foster family and community engagement and improve student outcomes by facilitating team meetings that are collaborative and compliant with regulations and best practices in the field. CES will be…
CES report outlines difficult truth about literacy issues
…Services, a Northampton-based non-profit, to pull back the curtain and do a deep dive into the district’s practices. Two members of the group appeared at a recent School Committee meeting…
Building Inclusive Communities
Home E Search query for: about ces ces board board meetings board meetings sy 2020 21 ( Page 9 ) Beginning in October 2017, CES collaborated with the MA Department…
CES Profile – Albert Mussad, Sharing the Joy of Teaching
…from his early days as an educator. Now, as the newly installed Director of Professional Development at the Collaborative for Educational Services (CES), Mussad feels as though he has come…
Early Education and Care programs to suspend operations; Some Emergency Child Care Programs will be established
Governor Baker has ordered all early childhood education programs across the State of Massachusetts to suspend providing childcare by 11:59 P.M. on Sunday, March 22, 2020. This will remain in…
Hampshire Regional High School students lead social distance-friendly virtual graduation with speeches, tassel turning
…School Class of 2020 was expecting but due to the coronavirus pandemic many typical graduation ceremonies were canceled, postponed or turned into virtual events. Instead of giving graduation speeches in…
Cheers for one-by-one Easthampton High commencement
…Class of 2020 took their turns walking across an outdoor stage in front of the High School, a giant 2020 sign in the background. They did so one at a…
North Berkshire Academy prepares for success in the Berkshires
…Malkas (North Adams), Jon Lev (Northern Berkshire School Union), and Rob Putnam (Adams-Cheshire) sought the help and advice of the Collaborative for Educational Services (CES) in Northampton, MA a year…
CT Planning & Placement Team Leader Institute
Home E Search query for: about ces ces board board meetings board meetings sy 2020 21 ( Page 9 ) Connecticut Planning and Placement Team Leadership Institute (PPTLI) PPTLI is…