…to share in problems of practices, develop ideas, and learn together on developments in the field. We’ll be gathering in our virtual meetings as partners and be in communication throughout….
Search Results
Educators of English Language Learners PLC
…educators of ELLs to share in problems of practice, develop ideas, and learn together about developments in the field. We’ll be gathering in our virtual meetings as partners and be…
Workforce Development
Home E Search query for: about ces ces board board meetings board meetings sy 2020 21 ( Page 27 ) Workforce Development Programs Perkins Consortium The Collaborative for Educational Services,…
Foreign Language Educators PLC
…to share in problems of practices, develop ideas, and learn together on developments in the field. We’ll be gathering in our virtual meetings as partners and be in communication throughout….
Empowering Health/P.E. Educators PLC
…developments in the field. We’ll be gathering in our virtual meetings as partners and be in communication throughout. This PLC is participant-driven and topics will be decided by the group…
Tobacco Free Community Partnership
…tobacco, prevent youth from starting, and protect everyone from secondhand smoke. Home E Search query for: about ces ces board board meetings board meetings sy 2020 21 ( Page…
Librarians PLC
…exploring culturally responsive practices in Library Sciences Exploring challenges faced by Librarians Sharing example problems of our practice as a group and conferring together about potential solutions Exploring resources that…
In push for gender-neutral language, Easthampton ‘freshmen’ to be called ‘first years’
…part of their acceptance of a new, revised student handbook. “For the purpose of class meetings and activities, including the class dues, students will be considered first years, sophomores, juniors,…
Gill-Montague school officials ready to determine uses for $110k regionalization grant
TURNERS FALLS — Gill-Montague Regional School District officials are excited to determine the most beneficial uses of a $110,000 grant for regionalization and shared services between school districts, according to…
Community Planning
Home E Search query for: about ces ces board board meetings board meetings sy 2020 21 ( Page 27 ) Community Planning: Working with Stakeholders We work with stakeholders who…