Relationships as the Center of Learning

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Episode: Relationships as the Center of Learning

by Brilliant Minds, Caring Hearts: Conversations with Education’s Changemakers

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In this Episode

Today’s episode features the thoughts and expertise of co-hosts Suzanne Judson-Whitehouse, online learning manager and Elkie Burnside, online learning instructional designer. Suzanne and Elkie explore together ways to center relationships in online learning communities. Listeners will also get to consider new perspectives on ways to center relationships in learning. We also get to reflect back on Season 1 as it draws to a close. Thank you for joining us in learning from these CES experts!

[0:09] Hello Suzanne!
[0:26] Hello Elkie!
[1:06] Technology in support of humans

[2:53] Working with adult learners
[4:20] Students as emerging teachers to peers
[5:12] Engaging with technology in learning

[7:18] Connecting and relationship in online learning
[10:29] Belonging is effort – not matching

[12:42] Expanding understanding of accessibility
[18:08] Relationships at CES help center learning
[21:46] Thanks for joining us for Season 1!

Episode transcript hyperlink

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Music from #Uppbeat (free for Creators!):

Co-hosts: Suzanne Judson-Whitehouse and Elkie Burnside

Production: Elkie Burnside

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