Developing Youth Leadership

Home E Podcast E Developing Youth Leadership

Episode: Developing Youth Leadership

by Brilliant Minds, Caring Hearts: Conversations with Education’s Changemakers

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In this Episode

Today’s episode features the thoughts and expertise of Lisa Goldsmith, SPIFFY Coalition Manager. Lisa shares strategies for developing youth leadership while combating adultism – assumptions that youth aren’t ready to contribute. She also explores how developing intentional community can help address the mental health issues facing young folx today.

[0:27] Hello Lisa!
[1:24] Why is a health community important?
[2:38] Defining community

[3:35] Successful youth leadership
[5:16] Preparing adults to work with youth
[7:39] Tips for creating this type of space

[9:03] How can individuals help without larger structures?
[11:33] Working to be a good grown up – no matter what your role
[15:05] Until Next Time!

Episode transcript hyperlink

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Music from #Uppbeat (free for Creators!):

Co-hosts: Suzanne Judson-Whitehouse and Elkie Burnside

Production: Elkie Burnside

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