Creativity and Networks in Special Education

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Episode: Creativity and Networks in Special Education

by Brilliant Minds, Caring Hearts: Conversations with Education’s Changemakers

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In this Episode

Today’s episode features the thoughts and expertise of Laurel Peltier, Curriculum and Instruction Specialist. Laurel shares about her personal experiences with Special Education in schools from experiences as a mom, an advocate, a teacher, and an administrator. Listeners get an inside look at the role of a transition specialist and possible resources for folx at both state and national levels. Spoiler alert: It includes the networks and community you develop along the way!

[0:27] Hello Laurel!
[1:16] Developing relationships in leadership training
[4:19] Personal connections with special education

[6:19] Developing a creative mindset
[8:15] Defining the role of a transition specialist

[9:56] Person centered planning in special education

[12:23] The need for inter and independence

[13:31] Developing resources and vision as a team
[16:33] Until next time!

Episode transcript hyperlink

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Collaborative for Educational Services, a non-profit educational agency committed to reaching and educating learners of all ages. Find out more by visiting


Check out I Never Thought of it That Way by Mónica Guzmán – mentioned in this episode.


Music from #Uppbeat (free for Creators!):

Co-hosts: Suzanne Judson-Whitehouse and Elkie Burnside

Production: Elkie Burnside

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