Centering Joy and Humans in Education

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Episode: Centering Joy and Humans in Education

by Brilliant Minds, Caring Hearts: Conversations with Education’s Changemakers

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In this Episode

Today’s episode features the thoughts and expertise of Dr. Albert Johnson-Mussad, leadership and instruction continuous improvement specialist. Albert shares about his multi-varied role and approaches he takes to connecting with others in his coaching and strategic development process efforts. He also shares tips about how he encourages collaborators to center joy and a focus on each participant’s humanity in education today.

[0:27] Hello Albert!
[1:25] Unique strengths for consulting

[4:53] Tips for approaching coaching

[7:21] Tips for receiving coaching
[10:11] Value of seeing the whole person
[11:31] Ways for centering joy

[13:15] How to approach curriculum and still center students
[0:00] Until Next Time!

Episode transcript hyperlink

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Collaborative for Educational Services, a non-profit educational agency committed to reaching and educating learners of all ages. Find out more by visiting 


Music from #Uppbeat (free for Creators!):

Co-hosts: Suzanne Judson-Whitehouse and Elkie Burnside

Production: Elkie Burnside

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