Donate to Patty Walsh Cassidy Lending Library
You can make another voice heard.
Your donations help bring assistive technology directly to those who need it most.
Patty Walsh-Cassidy hoped to one day create a lending library to make available the devices, software, materials, and guidance that make such a difference to those still striving for a voice. There are children who want desperately to be heard, whose famiies and teachers are overwhelmed by or unaware of the spectrum of assistive technologies that help children with disabilities to reach their full potential. As a vehicle for outreach and education for families, professionals, districts, and local communities, the PWC Lending Library serves as Patty’s dream made real, a living reminder of her legacy and a continuation of her vision for the futures of the students whose lives she altered forever, and for those she never had the opportunity to meet.
About Patty
Patty Walsh-Cassidy had a vision. She saw a world in which some children struggled to communicate, and believed things could be different. It was her conviction that every child should have the education, tools, and support they need to have their dreams, hopes, and desires heard.
This conviction drove Patty’s work over a more than twenty-year career as a speech therapist, assistive technology sepcialist, teacher, trainer, speaker, and innovator. In 1995, Patty co-counded the CES Center for Assistive Technology and Training (CATT) in Northampton.
The Collaborative for Educational Services is a 501(c)(3) tax exempt, non-profit educational services agency.
Tax deductible donations may be made online by credit card.

Your Donation
The assistive technologies and equipment that we offer at the PWC Lending Library cover a full spectrum of uses and costs, which means that while we offer suggested levels of donation, we are grateful for your gift in whatever amount you can afford. Some of the ways your generosity makes a difference:
- A $25 donation covers the cost of two single message recordable communication devices
- A $50 donation covers the cost of a switch that helps to bridge the gap between the user and the equipment they need to operate
- A $100 donation covers the cost of a Start to Finish book, a case for an iPad or iPod, and 3 downloadable apps
- A $250 donation covers the cost of a single license for educational software programs
- A $500 donation covers the cost of two Touch Screen monitors or an iPad
- A $1000 donation covers the cost of a text-to-speech device and a digital voice recorder