Donate to the Native Education at CES Fund
Native Education at CES Fund
Native Ed@ CES has focused on learning how to incorporate Native educational practices that communities in MA and in our region believe are best for teaching their histories in an accurate manner. We seek to understand what Native student success means for Native/Indigenous students, and through our continued efforts and partnerships, to create a place where Native educators can guide us in learning how to help them support the success of their youth, families, elders, and communities.
We support schools and organizations in understanding that all education in Massachusetts happens on Native land. Additionally, we work with educators in their growth to disrupt educational practices that continue to inaccurately depict Native knowledge, histories, and continued resilience of the original stewards of this continent.
Donations to Native Ed @ CES support the work we aspire to do with Native communities who invite us into their work. We are able to provide resources for tribes and communities in the Kwanitekw River valley, known today as “Western Massachusetts.”
CES acknowledges that the history of education and Native peoples is traumatic, and we work to disrupt our practices so that Native Entities (American Indian/ Alaskan Native federal & state tribes) and individuals feel that we can support their efforts in serving Native students. As such, we seek to be invited into collective relationships with a focus on serving all students through Native practices.

Thank you in advance for your contribution!
The Collaborative for Educational Services is a 501(c)(3) tax exempt, non-profit educational services agency.
Tax deductible donations may be made online by credit card.