Transition Assessment and Planning
Transition Assessment and Planning Services
CES offers transition assessments and planning for schools and districts across the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. Assessments and plans support special education students age 14-22 and their teams to develop their plan to transition to the community from school settings.
We specialize in complex cases, cases involving conflict, or those involving high levels of need with the potential for multiple adult service providers.
Our Approach
CES is committed to providing the objective, third party consultation that can solidly move teams forward if they are in conflict.
The transition assessments and action plans we provide are about connecting students with the right services and providers outside of the school while the student is eligible for special education services. This builds a network of people, agencies, and services that will support the child after he or she finishes school, and is established and familiar with the child well in advance of the time for transition to adult life and services. CES offers a process that can reduce frustration by bringing families, students, educators, and community service providers together in collaboration, to make the transition seamless.

What is a Transition Assessment?
A transition assessment typically spans three days, and may include participation at a team meeting in the district. The CES consultant will:
- conduct an assessment using guiding questions, records review, observation, interviews, and assessment tools (selected after reviewing evidence-based practices for transition assessment),
- gather information from the student, parent(s), vocational coordinator, counselor, and teacher at the current school, and
- recommend specific services and contacts to support the student’s transition from school to postsecondary education, employment, and if necessary, independent living.
Assessments identify student strengths, interests, and preferences related to postsecondary education, employment, and if necessary and requested by the team, independent living. The focus of transition assessments is the identification of disability-related needs, student attributes, and specific linkages that can be made to support a seamless transition from school to adult life.
The final Assessment Report and Action Plan is designed to align with the guidance offered in the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education’s Transition Planning Form (mandated form 28M/9), and is organized in accordance with the categories outlined on this form. The organization of recommendations in accordance with the required Transition Planning Form is offered to assist IEP teams to easily understand, review, and identify priorities for IEP development in a way that fits with current practices in Massachusetts.
Staff Training and Support
Districts may opt to bring the consultant to the district for a three session staff training on transition practices, including assessment. Transition training will support district staff to carry the transition work forward with consistent practices across the district.
Angela Burke
Laurel Peltier
Laurel Peltier holds an Ed.D. in Special Education Leadership and C.A.G.S. in Special Education from the University of Massachusetts, Amherst, as well as a professional license as a Special Education Administrator in Massachusetts. She has over 25 years of experience in transition assessment, planning and service delivery, and has provided leadership for transition in public schools and at the college level. Laurel is a co-author of Responsive Collaboration for IEP and 504 Teams (CORWIN, May 2022) to support all stakeholders at the IEP or 504 table – educators, related service providers, parents/caregivers, and students – with tools and strategies to experience more satisfying collaboration. She is also the designer and leader of the Special Education Team Leader Institute.
Prior to joining the team at CES, Laurel developed and led public and private secondary school programs for students with disabilities, taught undergraduate and graduate courses in special education and writing, and acted as a consultant and professional development provider for more than 20 school districts in Massachusetts. Her most recent post was with the Amherst Pelham Regional High School. In addition to her professional experience, Laurel brings experience as the parent of a child with autism and intellectual disabilities.
Position: Curriculum and Instructional Specialist in Special Education