Co-Teaching and Inclusion Services

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Equitable and Inclusive Practice

The Collaborative for Educational Services was a part of the work of Massachusetts DESE, the Massachusetts Organization of Educational Collaboratives (MOEC), MESPA, and MSSAA to coordinate and conduct visits between principals and Equitable and Inclusive Practice Ambassadors to introduce and provide inclusion resources. The program delivered user-friendly resources to help District leaders with inclusive practices to improve outcomes for students with disabilities, English language learners, students affected by poverty and minority students.

Since that time, CES continues to provide consultative and technical assistance for schools, districs, principals and educators where they have a need. CES specialists have deep experience and expertise with effective teaching practices for students with disabilities.

Technical Assistance

CES consultants can create a tailored program to support specific initiatives identified by schools and districts, including:

  • Co-Teaching coaching and training to develop and strengthen teams
  • Practices for inclusive classrooms: professional development
  • Individual child-specific inclusion consultation
  • Transition assessments, and training for implementation
  • District- and school-wide inclusive practice evaluations
  • Administrative planning support
  • Special education program evaluations
  • Family engagement support and training
  • IEP team leader training for collaboration and compliance
Group of children sitting on floor with teacher

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