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On early ed, let’s not lose ground

NORTHAMPTON, MA — As educators working under the banner that “everyone is a learner,” recent guest columns in the Gazette on the vital importance of investing in early education programs drew our attention. We applaud Gov. Charlie Baker’s proposal to invest an...

PraacticalAAC Blog Post by Jeanne Tuthill

Jeanne Tuthill, an assistive technology specialist at the CCATT Center, has prepared a post for Carole Zangari's PracticalAAC Blog, and we are pleased to share the blog with you: If you’ve ever woken up in the middle of the night sweating over one of your AAC...

Gauging the need

AMHERST, MA - The Health Department commissioned the regional Healthy Hampshire program of the Collaborative for Educational Services to get data that highlights the needs for the 2,000 or so residents living in about 780 units and focuses on ways of easing their...

Technology Update at HEC Academy

NORTHAMPTON, MA - HEC Academy rolled out a new one-to-one laptop initiative for students last week, the culmination of years of review, research and planning. HEC Academy students now have access to individual laptops with assistive technology. This technology...

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