The Collaborative for Educational Services is in the final stages of planning for the fourth regional Transforming Education for Social Justice conference for PK-12 educators, leaders, students, and community members, on March 29th, 2025. The conference will take place at Easthampton High School in Easthampton, MA. Youth are central to the conference and shape the experience in various ways including through presentations, planning, and participation. In the current environment for education, tensions at the national and global levels have been accompanied by an increase in anxiety...

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TiE conference speaker urges over 300 teachers to utilize technology to reinvent education
HOLYOKE, MA - Dr. Yong Zhao, an international speaker and expert, delivered the keynote address at the Technology in Education (TiE2014) conference in Holyoke, MA on Tuesday morning, January 14th. Zhao spoke to a packed audience of over 300 educators from around...
Silverback Learning Announces First Massachusetts Implementation Of Student Achievement Solution Mileposts Throughout Southbridge District?s K-12 Schools
BOISE ID and SOUTHBRIDGE MA - Silverback Learning Solutions (, an educator-founded technology company and developer of Mileposts, a results-driven student achievement solution installed in schools K-12 nationwide, today announces...
Northampton School Board Expected To Decide Among Three Finalists Wednesday For New City Schools Chief
NORTHAMPTON MA - The community will have a chance Wednesday, in a whirlwind of meetings and interviews, to hear from three candidates for the post of school superintendent, topped off with a planned decision by the school board. The three finalists, chosen from a...
Collaborative for Educational Services Executive Director Announces Plans for Reitrement
Northampton, MA - Dr. Joan E. Schuman today announced plans to retire from her long-time role as Executive Director of the Collaborative for Educational Services ("The Collaborative") at the end of this calendar year. Dr. Schuman has successfully led the...
Greenfield wins grant for free after-school programs
GREENFIELD - Greenfield students will be able to attend free after-school programs this year with tutoring and enrichments activities, thanks to a 21st Century Community Learning Center federal grant. The two programs, facilitated by the Collaborative for...
Easthampton adults won’t buy alcohol for minors
EASTHAMPTON, MA - Last Thursday, several teens ranging from 16 - 18 years old stood in the rain in front of Jim's Package Store. They took turns asking customers, "Excuse me, if we gave you money, would you mind buying a six-pack for us?" But no one complied with...
Springfield DYS Campus Hosts Career Day for Youth
SPRINGFIELD, MA - Youth from all three programs on the Springfield Campus participated in a Career Day on May 21, 2013. CHD Assessment, Terri Thomas Girls Program, and Springfield Secure Youth rotated through the gymnasium throughout the morning, networking and...
Local Coalitions to Urban Outfitters: “Not far enough”
NORTHAMPTON, MA - CNN announced today that Urban Outfitters pulled prescription-themed products which came under fire by local and national safety advocates. Youth partners of the SPIFFY Coalition and other area youth drug and alcohol prevention coalitionsi had...
Students are still struggling in the classroom
NORTHAMPTON, MA - Three decades ago, President Reagan commissioned a study, "A Nation at Risk," that exposed problems in the education system. Those numbers were recently compared with today. And researchers found there's still a lot room for improvement, as...
CES wins $60,000 federal grant to bring arts into DYS classrooms
NORTHAMPTON, MA - The National Endowment of the Arts recently awarded a $60,000 grant to the Collaborative for Educational Services (CES) to expand art opportunities for youth involved in the Massachusetts Department of Youth Services (DYS). The Artists in Juvenile...
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