The Collaborative for Educational Services is in the final stages of planning for the fourth regional Transforming Education for Social Justice conference for PK-12 educators, leaders, students, and community members, on March 29th, 2025. The conference will take place at Easthampton High School in Easthampton, MA. Youth are central to the conference and shape the experience in various ways including through presentations, planning, and participation. In the current environment for education, tensions at the national and global levels have been accompanied by an increase in anxiety...

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Fall 2014 Special Olympics offers fun in Granby
GRANBY, MA - As students gathered behind the Granby Junior/Senior High School in Granby, MA for the fall 2014 Special Olympics, the colors of the fall foliage around the playing field echoed the bright colors sported by the 87 participants, and the volunteers...
Isolda Ortega-Bustamante named as Development Director at CES
NORTHAMPTON - Isolda Ortega-Bustamante was recently hired as Development Director of the Collaborative for Educational Services (CES). CES Executive Director Bill Diehl said Ortega-Bustamante brings over a dozen years of public sector fundraising and development...
Summer learning Greenfield students keep their creative juices flowing with studies of water
GREENFIELD - As students and teachers cross the second-floor landing at the Federal Street School this year, they will see a new 22-foot-by-4-foot mural depicting pond life. The painting, located beside the main office, is a collaboration of students from...
Northampton Receives $50,000 Mass in Motion Grant to Promote Public Health
NORTHAMPTON, MA - Mayor David J. Narkewicz today announced that the City of Northampton has received a $50,000 Mass in Motion Grant from the Massachusetts Department of Public Health to promote public health regionally through the Healthy Hampshire collaborative....
Early Learners Explore Science, Math and Technology at CES event
HATFIELD, MA - Anyone passing by the Hatfield Public Library on Tuesday morning may have heard the sounds of children's laughter emanating from behind the building. If you asked any of the young children blowing bubbles or inspecting bugs with a magnifying glass at...
Pioneer to begin $400,000 computer replacement
NORTHFIELD - Work will begin this summer on a $400,000 computer equipment upgrade plan at the Pioneer Valley Regional School District's five schools. The district will borrow the money for a five-year term, with each of the district's four towns - shares based on...
Share Your Art – Share Your Voice! Statewide Exhibition Showcases the Work and Accomplishments of Youth Involved with Department of Youth Services
BOSTON - Creating art and positive opportunities gives youth a chance to find their voice and understand their own lives as well as the world around them. The second annual Share Your Art - Share Your Voice! Exhibition showcases the work of youth involved with the...
Distinguished UMass Historian Encourages HEC Academy Graduates to Pursue their Dreams
NORTHAMPTON, MA - Professor John Bracey Jr., Chair of the W.E.B. Du Bois Department of Afro-American Studies at the University of Massachusetts/Amherst, encouraged the seven seniors graduating today from HEC Academy to follow their dreams without the fear of...
Providers and Parents Talk with MA Early Education Leader at CES
NORTHAMPTON - Early Education and Care (EEC) Commissioner Tom Weber knows that in order to understand and advocate for the needs of very young children, he must see the world from their perspective even if that means getting down on his hands and knees. Weber spent...
Pathways to Independence Program (PIP) Hosts Visitors May 15
Pathways to Independence Program Thursday, May 15, 2014 1:00 p.m. - 2:00 p.m. Amherst Regional High School 21 Mattoon Street Amherst, MA 01002 The Pathways to Independence Program (PIP) at Amherst Regional High School will host local dignitaries, community...
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