The Collaborative for Educational Services is in the final stages of planning for the fourth regional Transforming Education for Social Justice conference for PK-12 educators, leaders, students, and community members, on March 29th, 2025. The conference will take place at Easthampton High School in Easthampton, MA. Youth are central to the conference and shape the experience in various ways including through presentations, planning, and participation. In the current environment for education, tensions at the national and global levels have been accompanied by an increase in anxiety...

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Amherst Regional High School prepares to expand interactive math curriculum that encourages flexibility, multiple solutions
AMHERST, MA — A businesswoman offers two items in her air delivery service: calculators and chicken feed. The two products come in containers of different weight and size, with different costs and sale prices. Accounting for the limited capacity of her plane, how...
Northampton Education Foundation prepares for 15th annual Adult Spelling Bee
NORTHAMPTON, MA — Whether you fancy yourself a word wizard, or just enjoy crazy costumes and jokes about grammar, it’s not too late to form a team for the annual adult spelling bee to benefit city schools. The 15th annual Northampton Education Foundation Adult...
Franklin County Tech principal picked
TURNERS FALLS, MA — Shawn Rickan of Phillipston is to take over for Franklin County Technical School Principal and Assistant Superintendent Richard Martin when Martin moves into the superintendent’s office in July. Now a high school principal in Baldwinville,...
Success in School Linked to Summer Reading
Boston, MA - Boston school officials and nonprofit leaders will huddle Monday to mull strategies for closing the achievement gap that afflicts children from low-income families. Initial data from an ongoing study conducted in Boston and four other urban communities...
Technology Update at HEC Academy
NORTHAMPTON, MA - HEC Academy rolled out a new one-to-one laptop initiative for students last week, the culmination of years of review, research and planning. HEC Academy students now have access to individual laptops with assistive technology. This technology...
Connecticut Valley Superintendents Roundtable Hosts Massachusetts Legislators
Thirty-four Connecticut Valley Superintendents Roundtable (CVSR) members represented their Western Massachusetts school districts on Friday in discussions with legislators at the Delaney House in Holyoke, MA. Superintendents discussed their concerns with state...
Springfield Treatment Center wins first place in nationwide read-a-thon for students residing in juvenile justice facilities.
During the month of February, the Center for Educational Excellence in Alternative Settings (CEEAS), with the support of Scholastic, Inc., sponsored Unbound, a nationwide read-a-thon. More than 50 schools across the country participated. The project began with...
HEC Academy students support WRSI’s campout fundraiser for Cancer Connection
NORTHAMPTON, MA - WRSI’s Monte Belmonte has organized the ninth annual Cancer Connection Campout, being held in Downtown Northampton on the Old Courthouse lawn. Students from HEC Academy in Northampton raised funds and made personal donations to support this Cancer...
Paul Goodhind named principal of Mosier Elementary School in South Hadley
South Hadley, MA — Completing a change in leadership for the younger grades, the School Department announced Wednesday that Paul Goodhind, an educator in central Massachusetts, will be the new principal of Mosier Elementary School. He will replace Jill...
Uncovering Security Flaws in Digital Education Products
When Tony Porterfield’s two sons came home from elementary school with an assignment to use a reading assessment site called, he was curious, as a parent, to see how it worked. As a software engineer, he was also curious about the site’s data...
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