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5 Ways to Teach Disability History in Social Studies Class

A few years ago, curriculum specialist Richard Cairn showed a photo from the World War II era to two young men he was working with on a campaign to promote teaching disability history. The image shows a man with multiple disabilities processing airplane parts in an American defense plant. Cairn said the two volunteer leaders, who live with multiple disabilities, were surprised by the image. “They were excited to learn that people with disabilities had been involved in helping to fight fascism during World War II and upset that this had not been discussed in their high...

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Gauging the need

AMHERST, MA - The Health Department commissioned the regional Healthy Hampshire program of the Collaborative for Educational Services to get data that highlights the needs for the 2,000 or so residents living in about 780 units and focuses on ways of easing their...

Franklin County Tech principal picked

TURNERS FALLS, MA — Shawn Rickan of Phillipston is to take over for Franklin County Technical School Principal and Assistant Superintendent Richard Martin when Martin moves into the superintendent’s office in July. Now a high school principal in Baldwinville,...

Success in School Linked to Summer Reading

Boston, MA - Boston school officials and nonprofit leaders will huddle Monday to mull strategies for closing the achievement gap that afflicts children from low-income families. Initial data from an ongoing study conducted in Boston and four other urban communities...

Technology Update at HEC Academy

NORTHAMPTON, MA - HEC Academy rolled out a new one-to-one laptop initiative for students last week, the culmination of years of review, research and planning. HEC Academy students now have access to individual laptops with assistive technology. This technology...

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