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Grant Will Boost College’s Efforts To Teach Disability History in Rural Communities

Keene State College has been awarded a nearly $100,000 Library of Congress Teaching with Primary Sources (TPS) grant for a project to advance teaching disability history in rural communities. The grant provides one year of funding with the possibility of two additional one-year grants contingent on the successful delivery of TPS educational projects based on the Library’s digitized materials. Since 2006, Congress has appropriated funds to the TPS program to establish and support a consortium of organizations working to incorporate the Library of Congress’s digital collections into...

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Gauging the need

AMHERST, MA - The Health Department commissioned the regional Healthy Hampshire program of the Collaborative for Educational Services to get data that highlights the needs for the 2,000 or so residents living in about 780 units and focuses on ways of easing their...

Franklin County Tech principal picked

TURNERS FALLS, MA — Shawn Rickan of Phillipston is to take over for Franklin County Technical School Principal and Assistant Superintendent Richard Martin when Martin moves into the superintendent’s office in July. Now a high school principal in Baldwinville,...

Success in School Linked to Summer Reading

Boston, MA - Boston school officials and nonprofit leaders will huddle Monday to mull strategies for closing the achievement gap that afflicts children from low-income families. Initial data from an ongoing study conducted in Boston and four other urban communities...

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