The Collaborative for Educational Services is in the final stages of planning for the fourth regional Transforming Education for Social Justice conference for PK-12 educators, leaders, students, and community members, on March 29th, 2025. The conference will take place at Easthampton High School in Easthampton, MA. Youth are central to the conference and shape the experience in various ways including through presentations, planning, and participation. In the current environment for education, tensions at the national and global levels have been accompanied by an increase in anxiety...

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With 4-3 vote, Michael Richard chosen as West Springfield superintendent of schools
WEST SPRINGFIELD, MA - The School Committee has chosen Michael J. Richard as the next superintendent of schools following a months-long search. The two finalists were Richard, the interim superintendent, and Jennifer C. Willard, director of human resources for the...
DESE report on Expanded Learning Time Grant available for districts and schools thinking about redesigning school schedules
From the Commissioner's Weekly Update: A recent report about design and resource allocation in schools and districts participating in the state's Expanded Learning Time grant initiative might be of interest to districts and schools that are thinking about...
Dias Selects Williamstown-Lanesborough; Contract Signing Set
WILLIAMSTOWN, MA — It appears the Lanesborough-Williamstown schools' new superintendent will be current Medway High School Principal Douglas Dias. On Thursday, Dias withdrew his name from consideration for the superintendent position in West Springfield, West...
PraacticalAAC Blog Post by Jeanne Tuthill
Jeanne Tuthill, an assistive technology specialist at the CCATT Center, has prepared a post for Carole Zangari's PracticalAAC Blog, and we are pleased to share the blog with you: If you’ve ever woken up in the middle of the night sweating over one of your AAC...
Special education initiatives at Ware public schools draw praise
WARE, MA - Initiatives initiated by the Special Education Director Heather Bish, that include a weekly newsletter and monthly "brainstorming" session with neighboring districts, were praised by the school committee at Wednesday's meeting. Board Chairman Aaron...
Attorney General Maura Healey issues new Open Meeting Law guide
NORTHAMPTON, MA — Attorney General Maura Healey has issued an updated version of the state’s Open Meeting Law guide that reflects newly enacted laws and information about recent decisions regarding the law’s requirements. The release of the new guide was timed to...
Editorial: Healthy Hampshire shines welcome light on challenges
People living in the residential East Hadley Road neighborhood off Route 116 south of downtown Amherst face challenges in their daily routines that are not part of the lives of many other residents. Because of inconvenient bus schedules and tricky access to the...
Hampshire Regional eighth-graders explore intersection of art and science during Smith College field trip
NORTHAMPTON, MA — Nearly 60 eighth-graders from Hampshire Regional Middle School descended on the Smith College campus Wednesday to spill water, melt plastic and spin on office chairs until dizzy — all in the name of science. The field trip was just one step in the...
Unjammed: Using Technology to Transform Teaching and Learning in the Classroom
The Massachusetts Department of Youth Services (DYS) and its educational partners, the Collaborative for Educational Services (CES) and Commonwealth Corporation, were among those selected by The Center for Educational Excellence in Alternative Settings (CEEAS) for...
Gauging the need
AMHERST, MA - The Health Department commissioned the regional Healthy Hampshire program of the Collaborative for Educational Services to get data that highlights the needs for the 2,000 or so residents living in about 780 units and focuses on ways of easing their...
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