The Collaborative for Educational Services is in the final stages of planning for the fourth regional Transforming Education for Social Justice conference for PK-12 educators, leaders, students, and community members, on March 29th, 2025. The conference will take place at Easthampton High School in Easthampton, MA. Youth are central to the conference and shape the experience in various ways including through presentations, planning, and participation. In the current environment for education, tensions at the national and global levels have been accompanied by an increase in anxiety...

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GusNIP Produce Prescription Program boosts healthy food availability and support for local residents
The US Department of Agriculture (USDA) Gus Schumacher Nutrition Incentive Program’s (GusNIP) Produce Prescription and Nutrition Incentive program has awarded $500,000 over three years to support the Produce for Health in Hampshire County’s Food Desert...
Fourth Annual DYS Racial Trauma Conference Held in Person
March 20th, 2023 – Norwood MA Today, well over 300 educators, community partners, clinicians, and professionals affiliated with the Department of Youth Services, or with the Collaborative for Educational Services (CES) gathered in person at the Four Points Sheraton...
Excellence In Education awards: Living Our Guiding Principles award winners for December and January
The Collaborative for Educational Services is pleased to announce the December and January winners of our regional Excellence in Education: Living our Guiding Principles Award! We honor those educators across the DYS workforce who embody one or more of...
Early Educators Chart a Path from Self-Care and Cultural Responsiveness To Professional Growth
Karen Reuter, deputy director at the Collaborative for Educational Services, remembers the moment when she knew its trainings for early childhood educators were taking hold. One of the workshop participants stopped themselves in a peer presentation to say,...
U.S. Education Secretary Statement on Passing of Disability Rights Leader Judy Heumann
Today, U.S. Secretary of Education Miguel Cardona issued the following statement on the passing of Disability Rights Leader Judy Heumann: “On March 4, our country lost a great disability rights leader with the passing of Judith (Judy) Heumann. As...
CES Workforce Programs lead to multiple opportunities
In the spring of 2020, while the world was in lockdown and schools remote, CES Director of Workforce Programs Matt Rigney thought about ways to continue assisting students as part of his work as director of the STEM@Work Paid Internship Program. Rigney had been...
Staff shortages throughout K-12 education are taking a toll
Openings are affecting student programming and services at a time we need them most AS 2023 OPENED, the Massachusetts Board of Elementary and Secondary Education met on January 3 for a special meeting and had just one item listed on the agenda: “Goal setting...
Excellence In Education awards: Living Our Guiding Principles award winners for October and November
The Collaborative for Educational Services is pleased to announce the October and November winners of our regional Excellence in Education: Living our Guiding Principles Award! We honor those educators across the DYS workforce who embody one or more of the...
Mass Cultural Council Funds Artist in Residence Working with the DYS Education Initiative
Artist in residence, Jenny Herzog, a singer, tap dancer, teacher, and director, will be working with the Collaborative for Educational Services (CES) DYS Education Initiative this spring. The residency is thanks to a FY23 STARS Residency grant from the Mass...
STCC awarded grant to help close achievement gaps
SPRINGFIELD, Mass. (WWLP) – Springfield Technical Community College has received a $75,000 Massachusetts Higher Education Innovation Fund grant from the Massachusetts Department of Higher Education. The grant will support professional development for 20...
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