Keene State College has been awarded a nearly $100,000 Library of Congress Teaching with Primary Sources (TPS) grant for a project to advance teaching disability history in rural communities. The grant provides one year of funding with the possibility of two additional one-year grants contingent on the successful delivery of TPS educational projects based on the Library’s digitized materials. Since 2006, Congress has appropriated funds to the TPS program to establish and support a consortium of organizations working to incorporate the Library of Congress’s digital collections into...
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Education secretary hears about rural school challenges
NORTHFIELD — In the Pioneer Valley Regional School library and on the trails behind the building, Massachusetts Secretary of Education Patrick Tutwiler got a lesson in rural education. Tutwiler, along with two assistant secretaries and his communications staff,...
State’s education secretary gets an earful from educators, politicians in Northampton stop
NORTHAMPTON — Even if the students at Bridge Street Elementary School didn’t know who Patrick Tutwiler was, they could clearly tell he was somebody important. Students frequently stopped him during a Monday tour of the pre-K-5 school to say hello, shake his hand...
Statement from U.S. Secretary of Education Miguel Cardona on New Nation’s Report Card on History and Civics Education
U.S. Secretary of Education Miguel Cardona issued the following statement on the latest Nation’s Report card showing a decline in history and civics scores for eighth graders: “The latest data from the National Assessment of Educational Progress further affirms the...
‘I’ve learned that things have a cost.’ Meet the migrant children working long hours in factories and fish plants across Mass.
Walter was 16 when he started working the overnight shift at a plastics factory in Central Massachusetts. He had come from Guatemala on his own to join his father, desperate to escape a poor, violent country where two of his childhood friends were shot to death....
Excellence In Education Awards: Living Our Guiding Principles award winners for February and March
The Collaborative for Educational Services is pleased to announce the February and March winners of our regional Excellence in Education: Living our Guiding Principles Award! We honor those educators across the DYS workforce who embody one or more of the Guiding...
Story exhibit on May 1st highlights action-oriented conversations around anti-racism
NORTHAMPTON — An exhibit that aims to promote and spearhead “critical and compassionate” conversations around race, racism and anti-racism is set for May 1 from 6-8 p.m. at the JFK Middle school. The REAL Talk Story Exhibit was formulated by REAL Northampton with...
GusNIP Produce Prescription Program boosts healthy food availability and support for local residents
The US Department of Agriculture (USDA) Gus Schumacher Nutrition Incentive Program’s (GusNIP) Produce Prescription and Nutrition Incentive program has awarded $500,000 over three years to support the Produce for Health in Hampshire County’s Food Desert...
Fourth Annual DYS Racial Trauma Conference Held in Person
March 20th, 2023 – Norwood MA Today, well over 300 educators, community partners, clinicians, and professionals affiliated with the Department of Youth Services, or with the Collaborative for Educational Services (CES) gathered in person at the Four Points Sheraton...
Excellence In Education awards: Living Our Guiding Principles award winners for December and January
The Collaborative for Educational Services is pleased to announce the December and January winners of our regional Excellence in Education: Living our Guiding Principles Award! We honor those educators across the DYS workforce who embody one or more of...
Early Educators Chart a Path from Self-Care and Cultural Responsiveness To Professional Growth
Karen Reuter, deputy director at the Collaborative for Educational Services, remembers the moment when she knew its trainings for early childhood educators were taking hold. One of the workshop participants stopped themselves in a peer presentation to say,...
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