The Collaborative for Educational Services (CES) is proud to announce the launch of the CES Center for Emerging Educational Practice, a cutting-edge resource hub dedicated to supporting PreK-12 educators and administrators, particularly those in small and mid-sized districts. This dynamic new website,, provides free, practical, research-based resources to address some of the most pressing challenges in public education today. Empowering Educators and AdministratorsThe CES Center for Emerging Educational Practice is designed to support educators who face unique...
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Conway children raise money for ‘Monte’
CONWAY — “Here we are at our 2nd annual Monte’s March,” said Grammar School Principal Kristen Gordon, before entering the gymnasium where about 150 excited students sat cross legged on the floor, holding signs and preparing to march around the building. They were...
GHS starts its first ice cream social to celebrate its honor roll students
GREENFIELD — How can an ice cream for a job well done start to shift a culture? That’s one way Greenfield High School hopes to recognize the hard work of its high-achieving students. “We have almost 200 students who invest their daily lives into doing well...
Music to their ears: Music teacher’s morning serenades welcome Whately Elementary students
WHATELY — Bright notes from an alto saxophone drifted on a crisp breeze early Wednesday, over the low rumble of two school buses idling outside Whately Elementary School, as bundled young students skipped down the sidewalk to morning classes. Seated at a picnic...
Gill-Montague, Franklin Tech, Pioneer in regionalization talks
TURNERS FALLS — The Gill-Montague Regional School Committee gave tentative approval to a set of grant proposals that would allow the district — along with the Pioneer Valley Regional School District and the Franklin County Technical School — to study the...
Greenfield teacher wins national award for sharing personal story
GREENFIELD — Her essay began with short, simple sentences about fifth grade, sentences like, “I was terrified. Absolutely and utterly terrified.” It was a national award-winning essay that was read aloud in the Newton School gymnasium — written not by a current...
Follansbee announces retirement as Easthampton school superintendent
ASTHAMPTON — After 26 years working in Easthampton schools, Superintendent Nancy Follansbee will retire at the end of the school year, in June 2018. In response to Gazette inquiries, Follansbee sent a one-sentence reply saying she would announce her retirement on...
Pioneer begins looking outside the box with supt. search
NORTHFIELD — In their first meeting to discuss replacing Superintendent Ruth Miller, Pioneer Valley Regional School District’s Superintendent Search Committee decided to scope out the possibility of sharing administrators with another school district. The search...
Belchertown administrator to become South Hadley middle school principal
SOUTH HADLEY -- The superintendent of schools has chosen Douglas Daponde, assistant principal at Belchertown High School, to be principal at Michael E. Smith Middle School effective Nov. 6. Daponde succeeds Paul Plummer, whose death earlier this year created the...
Franklin Tech, Mahar receive state Capital Skills Grants
Your parent’s shop class at the Franklin Technical School will soon get a makeover. With a majority of the welding equipment dating back to the 1950s and ’60s, a $495,000 grant from the state will help the tech school to modernize its shop classes. “It was an honor...
Hands-on science for Sunderland children
SUNDERLAND — When 11-year-old Sunderland Elementary School Student Tenzin Phelgay grows up, he wants to design a rocket capable of going to Mars. For now, he’s building marble rollercoasters in the Swampfield Drive school’s gymnasium as part of “Thinking Buddies,”...
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