The Collaborative for Educational Services (CES) is proud to announce the launch of the CES Center for Emerging Educational Practice, a cutting-edge resource hub dedicated to supporting PreK-12 educators and administrators, particularly those in small and mid-sized districts. This dynamic new website,, provides free, practical, research-based resources to address some of the most pressing challenges in public education today. Empowering Educators and AdministratorsThe CES Center for Emerging Educational Practice is designed to support educators who face unique...
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2 high schools to merge into one ‘Holyoke High School’ with 2 campuses, spelling end of ‘Dean Tech’
HOLYOKE - Holyoke High School and William J. Dean Technical High School will merge and become one school with two campuses effective for the 2018-2019 school year, officials said Friday. "The idea is one city, one school," said Stephen K. Zrike, the state-appointed...
Orange School Committee Okays Four Blizzard Bags
ORANGE — The Orange Elementary School Committee last night gave the nod to four days’ worth of “Blizzard Bags” this academic year, though Thursday’s snow day was exempt. A Blizzard Bag is a packet of school work sent home with students before a snow day so there is...
Combined school district management proposed
ORANGE — The superintendent of schools for Ralph C. Mahar Regional School and Union 73 has proposed an agreement between the three school districts she oversees and the Pioneer Valley Regional School District to share administrative services as a way to save money....
Union 38 asks for state transportation funding
DEERFIELD — District officials from Union 38 schools are calling on state legislators to uphold their end of the bargain and fully fund regional transportation costs. “I write to respectfully request your support of Massachusetts General Law Chapter 71, Section...
In push for gender-neutral language, Easthampton ‘freshmen’ to be called ‘first years’
EASTHAMPTON -- Ninth-grade students at Easthampton High School will no longer be called "freshmen." Instead, they will be called "first years." The change was approved by the School Committee as part of their acceptance of a new, revised student handbook. "For the...
Amherst Regional superintendent to serve on statewide Racial Imbalance Advisory Council
AMHERST — Superintendent Michael Morris has been appointed for a three-year term to a statewide advisory council on racial imbalance in the commonwealth's schools. The Racial Imbalance Advisory Council will advise the Board of Elementary and Secondary Education and...
Powertown in the 21st Century Partnership Begins Work in Turners Falls
Turners Fall, MA -- Work is beginning on Powertown in the 21st Century, a project that will provide all Turners Falls High School students with a 21st century education that is rooted in the local community and will prepare them for a bright future in spite of...
Berkshire County weeks from having only special education public day school
NORTH ADAMS — Berkshire County is just weeks from having a special education public day school. The North Berkshire Academy will launch its special education collaborative program in January, inside the North Adams Armory building. It will be the only special...
Amherst-Pelham school district devises new funding formula
AMHERST — The four towns that make up the Amherst-Pelham Regional School District may be nearing a new agreement for calculating how they will pay their share of the costs for educating students at the middle and high schools beginning July 1, 2018. The latest...
Gov. Charlie Baker signs bilingual education bill into law
BOSTON (WWLP) – Governor Charlie Baker signed a bill into law last week that allows students to participate in programs where they learn in both their native language and English. The new law allows schools to develop new approaches for teaching students who are...
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