The Collaborative for Educational Services (CES) is proud to announce the launch of the CES Center for Emerging Educational Practice, a cutting-edge resource hub dedicated to supporting PreK-12 educators and administrators, particularly those in small and mid-sized districts. This dynamic new website,, provides free, practical, research-based resources to address some of the most pressing challenges in public education today. Empowering Educators and AdministratorsThe CES Center for Emerging Educational Practice is designed to support educators who face unique...
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State education secretary takes to airwaves with a message: make school attendance ‘a priority’
Nearly four years after COVID-19 first shuttered schools, students are still missing class at rates unprecedented in the past two decades. In an effort to reverse that trend, Patrick Tutwiler, the state’s education secretary, will make his television debut this...
Voice and Choice: Mount Tom offers students a supportive and non traditional road to success after graduation
Led by Program Director Lynan Cerruti, additional teaching staff at Mount Tom Academy have provided deeper bench strength to the programming this year. The resulting energy at Mount Tom is striking. “We are adding elements to the program that are rich and...
Working with teachers and students online to create pathways, not roadblocks
Digital citizenship is a misnomer, says Casey Daigle. Casey is the Collaborative for Educational Services (CES) Digital Learning Manager. Recently, her work has often revolved around helping schools and districts with what people call digital citizenship or digital...
Indian Country is Calling
At the November meeting of the CES N8tive Education Practices Professional Learning Community (PLC), co-facilitators shared their personal experiences in seeing Thanksgiving Day in a fundamentally different way. The myth of Thanksgiving is problematic, as it erases...
Giving students a beacon of hope: Learning program finds new routes to graduation for high schoolers
A few years ago, Greenfield High School senior Eric Duong could never have imagined himself graduating alongside his peers. Duong was a sophomore, struggling to keep up with schoolwork at the height of the COVID-19 pandemic when guidance counselors reached...
Franklin Tech students take agriculture know-how to national convention
Nine Franklin County Technical School students embraced last week’s national FFA Convention and Expo as an invaluable opportunity to connect with agriculturally inclined youth from all over the country. FFA, which originally stood for “Future Farmers of America”...
Pioneer Valley residents testify in favor of rural school aid bill
Educators, town officials and students from across the Pioneer Valley appeared before the Legislature’s Joint Committee on Education on Monday to share their support for bills that would codify several recommendations to ensure the stability of rural school...
U.S. Department of Education Awards Nearly $115 Million to Help Increase Educator Compensation and Promote Educator Diversity
The U.S. Department of Education today announced new awards totaling nearly $115 million to support 29 Teacher and School Leader (TSL) Incentive projects, bolstering the Department's commitment to ensuring a well-prepared, diverse, and sustainable educator...
$773K to support BHN’s childhood mental health program
A regional provider of comprehensive behavioral health services has been awarded nearly $800,000 to continue its work providing social and emotional support for children in licensed child care facilities. The $772,706 Early Childhood Mental Health Consultation...
HEC Academy students add nutrition education to their weekly schedule
A new focus has been added to the work of the HEC Academy students over the past year, and they are responding and finding rewards in inspirational ways. Lessons in food and nutrition last year led students to develop a proposal to include weekly food education as...
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