The Collaborative for Educational Services (CES) is proud to announce the launch of the CES Center for Emerging Educational Practice, a cutting-edge resource hub dedicated to supporting PreK-12 educators and administrators, particularly those in small and mid-sized districts. This dynamic new website,, provides free, practical, research-based resources to address some of the most pressing challenges in public education today. Empowering Educators and AdministratorsThe CES Center for Emerging Educational Practice is designed to support educators who face unique...
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Mahar teacher Angela Cote honored for ‘making learning fun
ORANGE — Ralph C. Mahar Regional School teacher Angela Cote has been named a 2020 Excellence in Teaching Award winner. Cote, 54, has been teaching at Mahar for seven years this time around, having taught physics for four years during a previous stint. She is now a...
Three finalists announced for Gill-Montague superintendent position
MONTAGUE — Three finalists for the Gill-Montague Regional School District’s superintendent position have been announced, and their interviews with the School Committee are scheduled. The finalists are: Brian Beck, principal of Hopkins Academy in Hadley; Karen...
Sen. Adam Hinds talks about environment, plastic straws at Conway Grammar School
CONWAY — Sen. Adam G. Hinds was visibly shocked and appalled Monday when he was informed the equivalent of one garbage truck full of plastic is dumped into the planet’s oceans each minute, totaling 1,440 garbage trucks of plastic every day. He seemed equally taken...
Frontier, Union 38 school districts announce Grinspoon recipients
SOUTH DEERFIELD — A first-grade teacher and a math educator have been named the Frontier Regional and Union 38 school districts’ winners of the 2020 Excellence in Teaching Awards. Suzanne Wells, at Sunderland Elementary School, and Steven Blinder, at Frontier...
Franklin County schools, public and private, plan for COVID-19
School superintendents across Franklin County are doing like everyone else when it comes to COVID-19: trying not to overreact while doing everything they can to keep their students, teachers and staff safe. As more reports came in last week that cases of the novel...
Education Dept. Reverses Plan to Cut Rural School Funding
WASHINGTON — Facing a bipartisan backlash led by Republican lawmakers, the Trump administration is backing off a bookkeeping change that would have drastically cut federal funds for rural schools - at least for a year. Betsy DeVos, the education secretary, will...
From “flat Earth” to climate change denial, kids are deluged with fake science. Now teachers are fighting back
Melissa Lau, a middle-school science teacher in Piedmont, Oklahoma, with over 19 years of experience, stood by the doorway of her classroom as the last few of her first-period sixth grade students filed in and took their seats. "Hey guys, you need your papers from...
Focus on Teaching Students in Poverty
Dr. Albert Mussad began presenting to educators about teaching students who experience poverty back in 2016, through his initial work leading the training-of-trainers component of Massachusetts DESE's Leading Educational Access Project (LEAP) to improve outcomes...
Conway Grammar School hosts guest readers for Dr. Seuss’ birthday
CONWAY — Monday would have been the 116th birthday of Springfield native Theodor Seuss Geisel. You know him as Dr. Seuss, and for 83 years children have pored over his more than 60 illustrated books for lessons on life, in poetic meter. To celebrate the legend’s...
A meeting of the minds: Sunderland sixth-graders interview UMass graduate students for podcasts
SUNDERLAND — Ryan Copeland, a sixth-grade teacher at Sunderland Elementary School, wanted to bring the traditional school report or essay more into alignment with the way his students interact with information on the internet. So, instead of having his students...
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