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5 Ways to Teach Disability History in Social Studies Class

A few years ago, curriculum specialist Richard Cairn showed a photo from the World War II era to two young men he was working with on a campaign to promote teaching disability history. The image shows a man with multiple disabilities processing airplane parts in an American defense plant. Cairn said the two volunteer leaders, who live with multiple disabilities, were surprised by the image. “They were excited to learn that people with disabilities had been involved in helping to fight fascism during World War II and upset that this had not been discussed in their high...

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Pioneer graduates 40 in ceremony at Northfield Drive-In

NORTHFIELD — The 40 members of Pioneer Valley Regional School’s Class of 2020 were the stars of the show at the Northfield Drive-In Monday night, during a unique yet fairly traditional graduation ceremony where speakers encouraged graduates to stay true to their...

Cheers for one-by-one Easthampton High commencement

EASTHAMPTON — Friday marked the completion of a graduation ceremony the likes of which Easthampton High School has never seen before. Over the course of five days, students of the Class of 2020 took their turns walking across an outdoor stage in front of the High...

Gill Elementary hires new principal

GILL — Lisa Desjarlais has been hired as the new principal of Gill Elementary School. She will start July 1. Desjarlais replaces Connor Driscoll, who has been principal for five years. Earlier this spring, Driscoll accepted a job as principal of Hatfield Elementary...

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