Keene State College has been awarded a nearly $100,000 Library of Congress Teaching with Primary Sources (TPS) grant for a project to advance teaching disability history in rural communities. The grant provides one year of funding with the possibility of two additional one-year grants contingent on the successful delivery of TPS educational projects based on the Library’s digitized materials. Since 2006, Congress has appropriated funds to the TPS program to establish and support a consortium of organizations working to incorporate the Library of Congress’s digital collections into...
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Third Annual DYS Racial Trauma Conference Held on April 11, 2022
Two hundred and ninety educators, community partners, clinicians, and professionals from both the Department of Youth Services (DYS) and the Collaborative for Educational Services (CES) gathered online on Tuesday, April 11th for the Third Annual DYS Racial...
Healthy Hampshire Receives CISA 2022 Local Hero Award
Each year, Community Involved in Sustaining Agriculture (CISA) honors a group of people, businesses, or partners who have made a positive impact on the local food system, through their Local Hero Awards. CISA has been working for over 25 years to build a stronger,...
CES Educator Licensure program provides supportive path to teaching
At the end of a busy school day, teacher Ho-Zhen Chen smiles as he reflects on the day with his 9th grade Algebra 1 students. “Ninth graders can be ferocious,” said Ho-Zhen, grinning. “So much is going on with them at this time in their lives. I love...
Excellence In Education: Living our Guiding Principles Awards – February and March winners announced
The Collaborative for Educational Services is pleased to announce the February and March winners of our regional Excellence in Education: Living our Guiding Principles Award! We honor those educators across the DYS workforce who embody one or more of the Guiding...
Educators from Collaborative for Educational Services Publish Book on IEP and 504 Teams
NORTHAMPTON — The Collaborative for Educational Services (CES), a member of the Massachusetts Organization of Educational Collaboratives (MOEC), is pleased to announce that two of its educators recently published a book on the topic of Individual Education Programs...
MOEC Highlights Work of Collaboratives to Support Student Mental Health
ANDOVER — The Massachusetts Organization of Educational Collaboratives (MOEC) wishes to highlight some of the ways that collaboratives across the state work to support the mental health of students and staff. On March 24 and 25, more than 80 educators attended a...
Baker-Polito Administration Awards $600,000 in Grants to High Schools to Support Innovation Pathways
The Baker-Polito Administration awarded more than $600,000 to 22 school districts to help support Innovation Pathway programs, which provide high school students with opportunities to learn and gain experience in a particular industry through career exploration,...
Occupational Therapy Center develops new strategies
As Occupational Therapy Month begins this April, Noel Kesselheim, OTR/L, has thought a lot about how the pandemic has changed both the nature of the challenges for her clients, and the ways in which the Collaborative for Educational Services’ Occupational Therapy...
Excellence In Education: Living our Guiding Principles Awards – December and January winners announced
The Collaborative for Educational Services is pleased to announce the December and January winners of our regional Excellence in Education: Living our Guiding Principles Award! We honor those educators across the DYS workforce who embody one or more of...
CES continues its strong Partnership with BreakFree Education
The DYS Education Initiative continues its strong Partnership with BreakFree Education, a national organization that partners directly with juvenile justice agencies across the country, providing the resources, training, and networks they need to make school...
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