by tjohnston | Dec 4, 2017 | CES Stories, Local News
NORTH ADAMS — Berkshire County is just weeks from having a special education public day school. The North Berkshire Academy will launch its special education collaborative program in January, inside the North Adams Armory building. It will be the only special...
by tjohnston | Nov 29, 2017 | Local News
AMHERST — The four towns that make up the Amherst-Pelham Regional School District may be nearing a new agreement for calculating how they will pay their share of the costs for educating students at the middle and high schools beginning July 1, 2018. The latest...
by tjohnston | Nov 27, 2017 | State/National News
BOSTON (WWLP) – Governor Charlie Baker signed a bill into law last week that allows students to participate in programs where they learn in both their native language and English. The new law allows schools to develop new approaches for teaching students who are...
by tjohnston | Nov 21, 2017 | Local News
CONWAY — “Here we are at our 2nd annual Monte’s March,” said Grammar School Principal Kristen Gordon, before entering the gymnasium where about 150 excited students sat cross legged on the floor, holding signs and preparing to march around the building. They were...
by tjohnston | Nov 20, 2017 | Local News
GREENFIELD — How can an ice cream for a job well done start to shift a culture? That’s one way Greenfield High School hopes to recognize the hard work of its high-achieving students. “We have almost 200 students who invest their daily lives into doing well...