by tjohnston | Jan 26, 2018 | Local News
NORTHFIELD — The fact that Pioneer Valley Regional School science teacher Penney Betsold is this year’s winner of the Grinspoon Award for Excellence in Teaching came as no surprise to her students Tuesday afternoon. “I could have called it,” Pioneer senior Matt Grover...
by tjohnston | Jan 25, 2018 | Local News
BUCKLAND — Hoping to boost state money to rural school districts by about $9.5 million, educators at the Massachusetts Rural Schools Coalition voted unanimously Wednesday to back a proposal for aid in the coming budget. They also directed Coalition Chairman Michael...
by tjohnston | Jan 25, 2018 | CES Stories, Local News
Thank you for the article Jan. 17 announcing an innovative and exciting program to provide paid internship opportunities for high school students in Hampshire and Franklin counties (“Grant to boost internships in STEM”). The internships will be in science, technology,...
by tjohnston | Jan 19, 2018 | Local News
TURNERS FALLS — Gill-Montague Regional School District officials are excited to determine the most beneficial uses of a $110,000 grant for regionalization and shared services between school districts, according to Superintendent Michael Sullivan. The grant was...
by tjohnston | Jan 15, 2018 | Local News
BUCKLAND — If the Mohawk Trail Regional School District’s plan to move sixth-graders to the middle school is approved by member towns, today’s fourth-grade classes at Sanderson Academy, Buckland-Shelburne and Colrain Central could become the first sixth-graders to go...