by tjohnston | May 25, 2018 | CES Stories, State/National News
Over 400 people from across the Commonwealth filled the space at WGBH Studios in Brighton on Tuesday, May 15th to celebrate the work of youth involved with the Massachusetts Department of Youth Services, at the 6th Annual Statewide DYS Youth Arts Showcase, “Share Your...
by tjohnston | May 25, 2018 | Local News
After years of state, school and town officials beating the drum for rural school aid, rural districts, including Mohawk, Frontier, Pioneer Valley, and the 19 member-town Franklin County Technical School District, could see $100 per student in rural school aid from...
by tjohnston | May 22, 2018 | Local News
DEERFIELD — Frontier Regional School Principal Darius Modestow will serve as interim superintendent for the Frontier Regional and Union #38 School Districts while the districts conduct a search for a permanent superintendent to replace Lynn Carey, who is resigning....
by tjohnston | May 21, 2018 | CES Stories, Local News
In response to increasing educational demands and budget pressures, public school districts have looked for ways to join forces to provide necessary resources and programs on a cost-effective basis. One new example of that approach is North Berkshire Academy, the...
by tjohnston | May 10, 2018 | Local News
WESTHAMPTON — Aaron Osborne has been named the new superintendent for the Hampshire Regional School District, a week after the top choice for the position withdrew from consideration. Osborne, the business manager for Palmer Public Schools, signed an employment...