by tjohnston | May 29, 2019 | Local News
Ten Franklin County educators have been honored with gift cards and radio announcements in time for May’s “teacher appreciation week.” The program is run by Emerson Insurance and Financial Services with WHAI and WPQV radio stations. Among Franklin County’s 10 honorees...
by tjohnston | May 29, 2019 | Local News
EASTHAMPTON — William Evans, outgoing principal of North Brookfield High School, will take over as principal of Easthampton High School on July 1. “It seems like a terrific school,” Evans, 54, of Amherst, said. “The people there are very positive about the environment...
by tjohnston | May 29, 2019 | CES Stories, Local News
HOLYOKE — When Autumn Fallon stood up in front of her classmates, family and friends at Mount Tom Academy’s graduation on Tuesday, she was the picture of confidence. As she presented her capstone project, she drew applause and laughter from the audience as she made...
by tjohnston | May 16, 2019 | State/National News
NEW BEDFORD — Senior TaShawn Arabian will be attending Brown University in the fall just like his English teacher Takeru Nagayoshi did. Arabian said he’s looked up to Nagayoshi as a teacher and a role model, someone who’s pushed him to be the best he can be. Without...
by tjohnston | May 15, 2019 | Local News
Rep. Natalie Blais wanted to better understand what children endure to get to and from school each day, so she did what seemed most logical — she got on a bus with them. The 1st Franklin District Democrat from Sunderland recently rode from Chesterfield to Hampshire...