by tjohnston | Jul 9, 2019 | Local News
BUCKLAND — Come fall, Mohawk Trail Regional School students will see a new face in the classroom and around the halls. Diane Zamer started as Mohawk Trail’s new assistant principal on July 1. Zamer comes to Mohawk Trail from John F. Kennedy Middle School in Florence,...
by tjohnston | Jun 26, 2019 | Local News
SUNDERLAND — The state Department of Transportation recently recognized more than 140 partners of the Massachusetts Safe Routes to School (SRTS) Program, which encourages taking non-vehicular modes of transportation to school. But representatives from Sunderland...
by tjohnston | Jun 18, 2019 | Local News
LEYDEN — It was the last day of school Friday, and students’ summers began. But even with the school’s-out excitement, there was a feeling of sadness among teachers, parents and children still at Pearl Rhodes a few minutes after the school day ended because this was...
by tjohnston | Jun 14, 2019 | Local News
WORTHINGTON — Students, teachers, staff and family members gathered on the lawn of R.H. Conwell Elementary School in Worthington on Wednesday afternoon to watch the unveiling of the school’s first official sign. Since the school was re-opened as a public school five...
by tjohnston | Jun 10, 2019 | Local News
SOUTH HADLEY — When Michael Zhou first came to South Hadley High School two years ago, he said that he initially felt he did not belong and missed his previous home in China. But the people he met at the school “didn’t take long to convince me that there was no need...