by tjohnston | Jul 24, 2019 | CES Stories
Matt Rigney, Director of Alternative Youth Services at the Collaborative for Educational Services and organizer of the STEM@Work internship program for students in Franklin and Hampshire Counties, along with Hannah Nicolson, one of this year’s interns, joined...
by tjohnston | Jul 22, 2019 | Local News
AMHERST — Amherst Public Schools have received a $10,000 grant from the Southern Poverty Law Center to bring its civic literacy and organizing education to more classrooms in the coming school year. The nonprofit awarded the school the money through its Teaching...
by tjohnston | Jul 21, 2019 | Local News
BELCHERTOWN — A Belchertown music teacher has been selected as a quarterfinalist for the 2020 Grammy Music Educator Award. Geoffrey Gould, a music teacher at Swift River Elementary School, is one of 189 teachers nationwide to make the cut for the quarterfinals. The...
by tjohnston | Jul 15, 2019 | Local News, State/National News
The state Department of Elementary and Secondary Education canceled the “blizzard bag” initiative late last month, citing concerns about equal access to the program. Blizzard bags are educational materials allocated to students to complete at home on snow days. Each...
by tjohnston | Jul 9, 2019 | CES Stories
A few times a week, Katie Macomber, medical home care coordinator at Amherst Pediatrics, writes a “prescription” for patients and their families. Macomber is not a doctor, and the prescription is not for medicine. Rather, it is a form from the Amherst Survival Center,...