Mobile markets make local food accessible

Mobile markets make local food accessible

As summer approaches, several nonprofits are cleaning out their vans, mapping out routes, and coordinating with farmers for the start of their mobile markets. It is exactly what you’d imagine — a small farmers market packed up in a van and driven around to...
Mount Tom Academy Class of 2021

Mount Tom Academy Class of 2021

Photo courtesy of Daily Hampshire Gazette Staff Photographer, Kevin Gutting. Mount Tom Academy, an alternative learning program run by the Collaborative for Educational Services (CES) and hosted by Holyoke Community College, graduated four students in an in-person...
Gazda named director of region’s educational resource center

Gazda named as new Executive Director

The Board of Directors of the Collaborative for Educational Services (CES) in Northampton has named Todd H. Gazda, Ed.D., J.D., as the new Executive Director of the Massachusetts collaborative. Dr. Gazda will join the agency effective July 1, 2021, succeeding William...