Pictured bottom row, left to right: Nick Hathaway, Paul McNeil, Dr. Julie Johnson, Malikah Jeffries, Kim Roy, Julie Johnson, Olivia Lamarie, Bruce Stebbins
Not pictured: Dr. Caroline Johnson
On March 3rd, 2023, a group of Western Massachusetts folks representing public health and youth substance-abuse prevention interests met in-person with staff and commissioners from the Cannabis Control Commission (CCC). The goal of this meeting was to build relationships with CCC staff and commissioners, share data, and share concerns about the cannabis industry’s presence and tactics in our local communities.
Some topics that were discussed include but were not limited to: cannabis billboard advertisements, cannabis marketing violations, lack of enforcement, and the need for bud-tender trainings.
At this meeting, SPIFFY Data Specialist, Dr. Caroline Johnson, presented on data the SPIFFY Coalition has collected around cannabis-related Emergency Department visits, Massachusetts Poison Control calls, treatment and rehab data for cannabis abuse in youth, and more.