Gill-Montague IT director earns MassCUE Administrator Award for tech innovation

Home E Local News E Gill-Montague IT director earns MassCUE Administrator Award for tech innovation
Article Author: Julian Mendoza
Publication Name: Greenfield Recorder
Article Date: 9/26/2022
Article URL:

MONTAGUE — An organization of educators who push technological innovation is honoring a Gill-Montague Regional School District administrator as the state’s sole recipient of the 2022 MassCUE Administrator Award.

MassCUE, which stands for Massachusetts Computer Using Educators, annually recognizes an administrator whose efforts “have gone ‘above and beyond’ in providing inspiration to other administrators and educators,” according to the organization’s website. MassCUE recognized Tina Mahaney, Gill-Montague’s director of information technology and educational data services,  for being somebody who “sees the big picture as well as the details,” as described by Gill-Montague Director of Teaching and Learning Jeanne Powers, who submitted a blurb to MassCUE.

“Tina has always been a director that focuses on instruction and integration,” Powers wrote, recognizing her as “a leader that the entire administration team looks to for feedback, insight and support.

“It is not enough for educators to have access and devices,” she wrote. “Tina ensures there is learning and professional growth for all faculty and staff.”

Powers specified that during the COVID-19 pandemic, Mahaney observed that teachers “needed extensive professional development related to the flood of online resources and the need to teach remotely.” She facilitated the transition of an elementary technology teacher into the role of technology instructional coach. Powers wrote that Mahaney then “focused on the infrastructure and support of the students and families at home.”

“Working with her is a gift, and I value her leadership and support of my work every day,” Powers concluded.

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