Massachusetts to recommend modifying MCAS graduation requirements for Class of 2022

Home E State/National News E Massachusetts to recommend modifying MCAS graduation requirements for Class of 2022
Article Author: Tanner Stening
Publication Name: Masslive
Article Date: 4/1/2021
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In light of the COVID pandemic’s impact on the school year, Massachusetts Commissioner of Elementary and Secondary Education Jeffrey C. Riley announced he will be recommending changes to the state’s graduation requirements for the Class of 2022.

The changes include freeing this year’s juniors from having to take the MCAS and extending the timeline for administering the tests in grades 3 through 8 and 10 until June 11, officials said on Thursday. The recommendations will have to be approved by the Board of Elementary and Secondary Education.

If approved by the board, Riley’s recommendations would change the competency determination requirement in English language arts and mathematics for students graduating next year to reflect missed testing opportunities last spring, when COVID forced schools closed.

“As a result, the upcoming administration of the MCAS, scheduled to open on May 3, will no longer be required for current 11th graders,” officials said.

Additionally, DESE will offer remote administration of English language arts, mathematics and science assessments this spring for grades 3 through 8 for families who have opted to keep their children in at-home homing through end of the school year.

This year’s juniors and seniors can still take the MCAS test this spring to qualify for the Adams Scholarship and Koplik Certificate of Mastery.