Gill-Montague superintendent announces retirement

Home E Local News E Gill-Montague superintendent announces retirement
Article Author: Max Marcus
Publication Name: Greenfield Recorder
Article Date: 11/6/2019
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Gill-Montague Regional School District Superintendent Michael Sullivan has announced his retirement, effective June 30, 2020.

Sullivan emphasized that his departure is not related to any dissatisfaction with the Gill-Montague district, but has to do with circumstances of his personal life.

“Although this has been my most difficult career decision, I am clear in my heart and mind that it will be the right time for me to go,” Sullivan wrote to School Committee members this week.

The School Committee has not formally discussed the issue in a public meeting, but Sullivan said he has spoken to a handful of individual members about it. A School Committee meeting is scheduled for Nov. 12, but an agenda had not been posted as of Wednesday.

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