Poverty, segregation persist in U.S. schools, report says

Home E State/National News E Poverty, segregation persist in U.S. schools, report says
Article Author: Maria Danilova, AP
Publication Name: PBS
Article Date: 1/11/2018
Article URL: https://www.pbs.org/newshour/education/poverty-segregation-persist-in-u-s-schools-report-says?utm_source=facebook&utm_medium=pbsofficial&utm_campaign=newshour&linkId=100000001745410

WASHINGTON — Too often, low-income, black and Latino students end up in schools with crumbling walls, old textbooks and unqualified teachers, according to a report released Thursday by the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights.

The commission said inequities are caused by the fact that schools are most funded with state and local tax dollars. More than 92 percent of funding comes from nonfederal sources, according to the Education Department.

The resulting imbalance renders “the education available to millions of American public school students profoundly unequal,” the commission said.

For instance, the authors said, 33 percent of high schools with high black and Latino enrollment offer calculus, compared with 56 percent of high schools with low black and Latino student populations. Nationwide, 48 percent of schools offer the rigorous math course.

On average, school districts spend around $11,000 per student each year, but the highest-poverty districts receive an average of $1,200 less per child than the least-poor districts, while districts serving the largest numbers of minority students get about $2,000 less than those serving the fewest students of color, according the study.