In push for gender-neutral language, Easthampton ‘freshmen’ to be called ‘first years’

Home E Local News E In push for gender-neutral language, Easthampton ‘freshmen’ to be called ‘first years’
Article Author: Mary C. Serreze
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Article Date: 12/19/2017
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EASTHAMPTON — Ninth-grade students at Easthampton High School will no longer be called “freshmen.” Instead, they will be called “first years.”

The change was approved by the School Committee as part of their acceptance of a new, revised student handbook.

“For the purpose of class meetings and activities, including the class dues, students will be considered first years, sophomores, juniors, and seniors,” the handbook states.

There was consensus among School Committee members “that the change to gender neutral language was a simple, sensible way to foster a more inclusive and equitable environment, and was in concert with the many transformations underway at our district,” School Committee Policy Subcommittee chairwoman Marissa Carrere told The Republican in an email.

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