Breaking the school-to-prison pipeline for young offenders one class at a time

Home E CES Stories E Breaking the school-to-prison pipeline for young offenders one class at a time
Article Author: Hari Sreenivasan
Publication Name: PBS
Article Date: June 29, 2016
Article URL:

Since 2003, the Collaborative for Educational Services has been a partner to the Massachusetts Department of Youth Services (DYS) in creating access to high-quality education and employment opportunities for youth in the care and custody of DYS. The Collaborative is helping to equip an especially vulnerable population of young people with the tools they need see their world, and themselves, in a new light.

As reported by Hari Sreenivasan of PBS, “Just one third (of states) mandate that these kids meet the same standards as their public school counterparts. Massachusetts is one of them, and there the goal is to save these young offenders with vocational classes and good old reading, writing and arithmetic.”

See Sreenivasan’s PBS report highlighting the work at the MA Department of Youth Services to educate these young offenders here: