Educator Preparation programs win approval from the MA Office of Educator Licensure

Home E CES Stories E Educator Preparation programs win approval from the MA Office of Educator Licensure
Article Author: Kathryn Levesque
Publication Name: Collaborative for Educational Services
Article Date: 8/28/2015
Article URL:

NORTHAMPTON, MA –The Collaborative for Educational Services in Northampton, MA has received program approval to continue the statewide teacher licensure preparation programs currently managed by the agency, as well as program approval for a redesigned administrator preparation program, which will launch in January of 2016. The educator preparation programs provide training for educators pursuing Massachusetts teacher or educational administrator licenses.

Program approval is the process through which a program or sponsoring organization receives approval from the Massachusetts Commissioner of Education to prepare candidates for educator licensure in Massachusetts.

The fundamental purpose of state approval of educator preparation programs is to assure the public that teachers and other educators who complete these programs in Massachusetts are prepared to educate our PreK-12 students according to the learning standards in the Massachusetts Curriculum Frameworks.

The new Regulations for Educator Licensure and Preparation Program Approval (603 CMR 7.00) were recently amended by the Board of Education in June 2012, and are much more rigorous than previous standards. The CES program is one of the first programs to complete the process of review and approval. In addition to the approval of our teacher Initial licensure programs, CES was also approved to offer two Administrator licensure programs, Principal/Assistant Principal (PreK-6, 5-5, and 9-12), and Supervisor/Director, All Levels, Initial PB.

Cecelia Buckley, Director of the Licensure Program at CES, commented, “We’re very proud to have demonstrated the quality and rigor of our educator preparation programs, and very pleased to continue offering deep and engaging training that prepares our teacher and administrator candidates for success. We know that an excellent educator can change students’ lives for the better – and we’re happy to be a part of that.”

To learn more about the CES Licensure Programs for teachers and for administrators, visit