Attorney General Maura Healey issues new Open Meeting Law guide

Home E State/National News E Attorney General Maura Healey issues new Open Meeting Law guide
Article Author: Dan Crowley
Publication Name: Hampshire Gazette
Article Date: 3/21/15
Article URL:

The release of the new guide was timed to coincide with “Sunshine Week,” a national, nonpartisan initiative that highlights the importance of open government and the public’s right to know. The guide is available on the attorney general’s website

“The Open Meeting Law Guide is one of many resources our office provides to help educate people about the law and its requirements in order to ensure clarity and compliance,” Healey said in a statement. “The additions to this guide, including guidance from previously issued decisions from our office, further our efforts to promote the pillars of the law: good governance and transparency.”

CES Note: The attorney general, on her website, has posted training videos geared to be used as a resource regarding Open Meeting Law: